Alright let me remake this post: Davoth is the GOD of the ID-verse

Long story short ALL of the ID software games are connected to DOOM each and single one has some sort of connection to the verse especially HELL which Davoth created by his hands...

In Wolfenstein young blood they talk about other dimensions

Quake has references to Doomguy with some cut voice lines and in quake champions you outright can play as him

Commander keen (self explanatory) name: Billy Blaze his full name is William Joseph Blazkowicz II. Aka the grandson of B.J. Blazkowicz

Doomguy’s name in Doom RPG is Stan Blazkowicz Or his full name would technically be: Stan B.J. Blazkowicz III or John B.J. Blazkowicz III

Heretic/hexen idk what that is (Don’t sue me I’m not that far knowledgeable of ID software games)

And so much more. Lastly each of these franchises contains infinite timelines, universes, dimensions, and multiverses.

Backed up by DOOM 2016 is actually set in a alternate timeline (The game's narrative and Codex suggest a reimagined or rebooted universe for both 2016 and Eternal)

(Entire doom timeline)

Final Conclusion: When Davoth transformed Jekkad into the Hell we know today, he infused it with a fraction of his power. That power allowed Hell to grow stronger, more dangerous, and capable of spreading across alternate dimensions and worlds throughout the entire DOOM metaverse. Over time, Hell's influence extended beyond DOOM, opening gateways to other universes—including Wolfenstein, Quake, and beyond.

If Hell in DOOM falls… so will every world in id Software’s multiverse.

Long story short ALL of the ID software games are connected to DOOM each and single one has some sort of connection to the verse especially HELL which Davoth created by his hands...

In Wolfenstein young blood they talk about other dimensions

Quake has references to Doomguy with some cut voice lines and in quake champions you outright can play as him

Commander keen (self explanatory) name: Billy Blaze his full name is William Joseph Blazkowicz II. Aka the grandson of B.J. Blazkowicz

Doomguy’s name in Doom RPG is Stan Blazkowicz Or his full name would technically be: Stan B.J. Blazkowicz III or John B.J. Blazkowicz III

Heretic/hexen idk what that is (Don’t sue me I’m not that far knowledgeable of ID software games)

And so much more. Lastly each of these franchises contains infinite timelines, universes, dimensions, and multiverses.

Backed up by DOOM 2016 is actually set in a alternate timeline (The game's narrative and Codex suggest a reimagined or rebooted universe for both 2016 and Eternal)

(Entire doom timeline)

Final Conclusion: When Davoth transformed Jekkad into the Hell we know today, he infused it with a fraction of his power. That power allowed Hell to grow stronger, more dangerous, and capable of spreading across alternate dimensions and worlds throughout the entire DOOM metaverse. Over time, Hell's influence extended beyond DOOM, opening gateways to other universes—including Wolfenstein, Quake, and beyond.

If Hell in DOOM falls… so will every world in id Software’s multiverse.