does anyone have any cool mildly cursed objects?

i’ve got a list of mildly cursed objects to inconvenience my party, but i’m struggling to come up with any others. i’d really appreciate some ideas! here are some of the ones i’ve got so far:

• a secondhand bag of holding. everything comes out smelling strange and covered in glitter

• the bagpipes of stealth. they cast invisibility on whoever is playing them, but they still have the same sound and volume as normal bagpipes

• the cloak of visibility. it magically draws attention to the wearer

• a hat of disguise self that only disguises itself

• the torch of nightvision. when lit, it grants the wielder 30ft of darkvision. this is also how far the torchlight reaches

• the potion of create potion. when drunk, another potion of create potion appears nearby

all ideas are greatly appreciated!