Image sorting solution?
Hello all, I've asked questions here previously and I'd like to thank this community so much for your help. Last time I was referred to a software that can detect duplicate pictures and videos which saved me a LOT of space. But, I have my doubts that a lot of the things I've saved are really worth holding onto. Screenshots and pictures I've taken have piled up and sifting through thousands of them in file explorer is so janky, I scroll down once and skip over a lot of files or I'm forced to sift through each picture individually. Another problem I run into, is that I'll open a folder and skip through each photo in the "photos" app which is convenient since it has a delete button, but it only shows a small portion of the pictures even though all the images in that folder are the same format... Does anyone know of a program that I can view all the pictures in a given folder that's seamless and just enough detail so it's not pain-staking but not so in-depth that I'd have to individually examine every picture? TIA to anyone who tries to help.