The hardest unknown mechanic in 1.8 pvp
There exists a technique where you can rod right after a bow boost to perform a rod crit, with a very strict timing. I thought I'd share this because I think it's one of the most creative inventions to rod crit.
There are two versions, one where you hold your bow for 3 ticks and walk backwards to go in the arrow, better for short range bow boosting and rod critting, another one is a gap closer where you can weave in multiple rods then surprise them with bow boost and rod, no need to hold s but the bow is held for 4 ticks instead. The rod needs to come out exactly 1 tick after you bow, so it's a very precise timing with little window.
I made a video that I'm super proud of; showcasing this technique. Since a lot of people like the last video I shared, I hope you guys enjoy this as well. I'd appreciate it a lot if you check it out :p