Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms after cutting out gluten?

Hi everyone, in the last couple of months I have had a suspicion that I’m gluten intolerant based on symptoms I get after eating gluten foods. So I’ve since done my best to cut out gluten almost completely, sometimes I eat a little bit by mistake but overall mostly gluten free. But in the last couple of weeks I’ve been experiencing bouts of severe tiredness, nausea and dizziness, like I’m about to pass out, and I don’t know why. I’ve been sleeping enough, I always get 7-8 hours at least, but I still feel so exhausted during the day.

I did some googling and found out that cutting out gluten might lead to withdrawal symptoms like nausea and fatigue, but there isn’t much scientific evidence on this area.

Has anyone here experienced withdrawal symptoms after cutting out gluten? If so, how long did they last?