Can I observe feasts/holidays in the NT as a Protestant?
Hello all! For background contest, I am a Protestant, I do not have any Jewish family. I grew up Evangelical. I have studied both OT and NT. Recently, I have been really, really, REALLY into Easter/Lent. I am wanting to know that, as a Protestant, can I observe the NT feasts/celebrations during the times before Resurrection Sunday/Easter, and not partake in them, or can I only observe Good Friday and Easter.
I want to observe Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. It is not important to me to believe in it, but observe them as a memorial to my God, the King of Kings, My Saviour Jesus Christ! I have just been feeling Him calling me and urging me to pray and fast, giving up certain things, so I really want to participate/oberseve these holidays I mentioned above. I do not attend any churches right now, would I need to inorder to observe said feasts and holidays? Thank you in advance!
My denomination right now is undecided. I just know I believe in God and I love Him so much.