Any random driving habits that grind your gears?
I’m going to preface this by saying I’ve only held my license for around a year, so I’m not the most qualified to be giving opinions on other people’s driving. Either way, this one specific habit has been frustrating me no end recently, and I wondered if anybody else experiences it or something similar.
My gripe is with people who, when stopping in traffic (whether it be at lights, a roundabout, roadworks etc.) stop around a car length from the car in front, then spend the next minute or so… periodically creeping forward into that gap?
This frustrates me as it then leaves a car-length gap in front of me, which people then blare their horn at me for??? (obviously it’s my fault)
I was also taught the habit of shifting to neutral and taking my foot off the clutch pedal in traffic, so constantly having to shift to first, move 2 feet then start all over again is irritating to say the least.
Does anybody else experience this or something similar that irrationally annoys them?