Boomer touched my Wu Tang shirt

My daughters, sister, and I went to see Chicago the musical today. I am just getting over being sick and started to have a coughing fit during the Billy Flynn scene. To be polite, I ducked outside and grabbed a coffee, trying to get myself together. While I was chilling, I noticed the usher was watching the show on a screen in the lobby, so I walked over and joined her. We started having a conversation on how fun it must be to work the theater, when a wayward boomer wandered over staring at the Wu-Tang t-shirt I was wearing under my blazer. Pointing at me with one bony finger, she poked the yellow vinyl on the front of my shirt. “Do you like them or something?” She croaked. Without batting an eye, I shook my head, crinkled my brows, and answered “no, I’m a member”. I could hear the usher snort laughing behind me as I walked away.