Why you stop taking your meds?
I'm struggling with life. I don't think im okay, but I seem okay if that makes sense. I'm sleeping but I'm sleeping less, I'm waking up at 5 or 6 am every morning. Regardless of when I go to bed. This isn't like me. I usually can't get out of bed in the morning. I've been irritable, every little thing outside my control pisses me off. I've been on edge and jumpy. I've felt like a buzzing in my body. Like everything I'm doing isn't enough like I can do more and like I'm capable of anything.
I had thoughts that i can predict the future. Just shotty events like death or an accident. I keep thinking numbers are signs for something greater.
But what's worse is I'm thinking about not taking my meds. I may be experiencing these things but I'm happy. I'm in control I think. Do I really need them if I'm happy anyway.