Beta blockers for benzo taper and withdrawal
Hi everyone. I've been having trouble getting off multiple things over the years but have been Sticking to my benzo taper and switched to Valium.
I've heard good things about clonidine bc my blood pressure has become high, too, but my PCP said clonidine would be a poor choice and recommended atenolol for my physical anxiety and my high BP.
I tried it and I got a lot of side effects, like worse chest tightness, nausea, more anxiety, and feeling cold and sweaty... my HR has gone from 78 bpm to 52 bpm during the day.
So I asked about propranolol bc I have checked posts and comments on this sub. I also once was able to quit Xanax with it long ago. But I didn't have side effects. I've had bad insomnia with atenolol.
Does anyone have any experience with using beta blockers for the end of a taper and the acute time after stopping for any symptoms??
I'm worried about my reaction to atenolol... and worried bc my doctor prescribed propranolol ER this time, and I'd hate to have these symptoms all day again.
Maybe bc I recently quit tapentadol 200mg IR which has an NRI aspect, as it began giving me bad anxiety esp when I quit. And it hasn't gone away since I quit a week ago. I hoped a beta blocker would stabilize me so I could make my next valium reduction next week... but I feel more unstable!
Atenolol vs propralonol? Any experience? And esp any experience with Propranolol ER? I read online that anxiety when starting the ER version is common while it doesn't occur in IR.
I am so worried!
Thanks, everyone! I am hoping my valium taper ends in less than a month and I run out of tablets and don't want to cause a setback!!