Vibrations as if possessed
Hello! I need your swarm knowledge. For a few months now, I've been seriously trying an obe. Not the first time in my over 50 years ... what's new is that while I'm nice and deeply relaxed, my stomach/solar plexus chakra starts to cramp. The result: instead of energetic vibrations, the upper body and legs physically shoot into the air. It must look like I'm obsessed. Up, down, up ... In short: it feels like everything wants to "out", but the solar plexus doesn't.
And yes, it's not only conceited, but I also put my head on the bed, the eye mask ends up in the corner etc. Fun fact: these spontaneous movements occur not only during the training to an obe, but also during the autogenic training, where I have no intentions on an obe. Briefly whenever I'm deeply relaxed. Does anyone have a tip? Ty!