What does she really want ??

I met a girl (A) online and we instantly clicked. Within a month, we got close moved to Telegram and started planning things and love and all. We're both 21 I’ve been in two relationships before both ending mutually while she was in one relationship before me. I’m not active on social media.

Edit - We met in November last year

I have a female friend I was once close to but nothing happened since she’s my friend’s cousin. She initiates conversations and calls but i don't, and I showed A the proof with ss of chats and call logs. However A got extremely angry when she saw my friend once called me cute, even went on to call names to my friend as well. When i told her that I don't like wht she's saying. She defended her words by calling me out back. Whenever i confront her she acts like she doesn't understand and just apologise and turn around the conversations.

even though A had called me names in our fights before. She also pressured me to show my private IG, which I never wanted to share with anyone but i told her about it since i didn't want to lie. I didn't want to share because it was my personal space but eventually I had to. She's not apologetic about it.

We fought often she would delete me, but she was usually the one to text first and initiate conversations again saying she missed me. She’s very expressive love bomb me sometimes and keeps telling me she loves me and wants to meet. But she also confuses me, makes me insecure, and has unpredictable mood swings where she asks to break up and then returns.

A few days ago, we decided to cut things off and blocked each other but she called me after 5 days saying she missed me. I told her I couldn’t say I love you back and didn’t think we should meet. Yesterday I told her it’s best to go separate ways and blocked her again. She called later at night and started talking understanding and eventually yeah saying she misses me loves me. And that she wants to give us a try.

I know she loves me a lot, but she’s also controlling, dominating, and manipulative. She confuses me with her mood swings and drains me emotionally. I don't know when she'll say let's break up and cut things off. I don’t know if I should give this another chance or if I’m just saving my peace by staying away.

TL;DR: Met a girl online got close fas, but had frequent fights. She love-bombs deletes me apologizes and comes back. She got extremely angry over my female friend calling me "cute" despite me showing proof that she initiates. Pressured me to show my IG. We decided to end things but she keeps calling saying she loves and misses me. She’s expressive but also controlling and manipulative. I’m confused, should I give her another chance or stay away?