Earthing ESD mats and wrist straps.
Greetings everyone.
First of all, I am assuming that my question is allowed here, if off-topic; I looked at the alternative subreddits in the rules, and nothing appeared "more correct". Apologies if not, and where could I ask this then?
I have just bought a dissipative mat, and connected one of its studs to the earth banana socket of the power supply (not its common/ground socket); it was the easiest, as the "ESD wire" had a 10mm stud and a 4mm banana on its ends.
Checking for DMM-continuity between the banana jack and a few earthing points (eg. the computer, the earth prongs on a wall socket) shows continuity; putting the DMM leads between an earthing point and the ESD mat stud shows just over 1MR. This is expected, as this "ESD wire" has a 1MR resistor somewhere in there.
Now, as for the ESD wrist strap, what do I do with this? It has no internal resistor of its own, it's within its supplied wire.
Do I use a resistor-less wire and connect it to another stud ESD mat, and count on the mat's innate resistance to dissipate the electrostatic charge on the body (the clip from I) has no male stud on its top, only a blank plastic cap)?
Do I connect the strap to an earthing point somewhere around me, through a wiire with an inline resistor?
My issue here is the fact that the studs on the mat are 50cm and 80cm (it has 3 studs in 3 corners), and the mat is dissipative, not conductive (with the DMM probes 1cm apart, I'm not getting a resistance measurement, not even at the 200MR scale).
What is the difference ("which is better") between a conductive-fabric wristband, and a segmented/sprung metal bracelet? I have the latter, just curious.
Also, why are we connecting the mat to earth ground? Isn't the whole point of it being dissipative is that the mat can handle static charges by itself? What am I missing?
Thank you!