Anyone else tired of people thinking they can talk to you or act in a condescending way towards you because your Asian or shorter in height? And also tired of others attacking you for having social preferences due to previous experiences?
Just had an incident with a courier who sometimes comes at the facility I work at. But i feel like certain people especially more uncivilized think they can just act or talk to others however they want just because theyre Asian and Asians are stereotypically perceived as weak OR because youre just shorter and they think they can get away with it.
I confronted and called him out on it and im happy i did because sometimes you just gotta stand your ground then they back away.
Ive also gained a social preference for only hanging around like minded people especially Asian due to having more in common, and staying away from environments or people who seem bad, but ive been attacked for that too. Especially by virtue signallers who try to preach about being politically correct....i think the hard truth is, the reality is that we are not all the same. Some people are good and some are bad, uncivilized and uneducated....