Worst era
I caught up with her vlogs thru Hecticana this morning and I can’t take her anymore this era is the worst. No shade to mama Lynn but seeing her just go to bingo with her mom once a week and then waddle around showing us her food the rest of the week is awful. I thought the Jade era was bad but this is a nightmare.
Even tho it was a dark time for Beck, 2018-2019 was peak era and so nostalgic. And Amber should be grateful for Beck because her channel blew up around that time because of all the side characters they brought in. After they left it’s gone downhill. Like no one cares that you’re trimming your hair and taste testing a sandwich that you ate the day prior.
A drag queen made a video inviting Amber out to their drag show recently, like why not go to that and make some IRL friends and do something different? I think even when she moved to OKC her mom said she would show her the gay scenes there probably hinting at her to get out and meet people.