How often does a AF Reservist have the opportunity to go AD, get orders, or go TDY?
Hi everyone, I’m prior service Army and I’m think about re-enlisting into the Air Force. I have a growing family so I’m looking for stability and I always liked being in the service I just thought I would do myself a favor and join AF instead of the Army. My choices are going active duty or reserves. I like the stability of AD however I also see the pros of a reservist, having more control of your life. I have a position reserved as a 1D7X1-M (cybersec) with the reserves and it’s definitely the job I wanted. But my concern is I won’t be able to find a stable job as a reservist. However, my recruiter told me as a reservist I will have the opportunity to accept AGR, get orders, or go TDY and that it happens more often than not and it can actually be better for someone that has a family rather than AD. Can someone that’s already in or that has knowledge on this tell me if this is true? Will I have the option to go AGR, be called on orders or go TDY in the reserves and would this be the right choice for someone looking for job stability with a growing family? Thank you, ur answers will help ur boy out a lot