APT 3? New job openings!

Hey guys! As some of you know, I've talked before about my theory of the posting pattern of the official A Plague Tale account, where posts are made regularly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. And today, I found something even more interesting: two job openings posted TODAY that are practically announcing the next game! These were today's two vacancies:

H/F Visual Effects Artist (Plague Team) Gameplay Animator H/F (Plague Team)

But the description of one really caught my attention! In the job description for visual effects artists, it says:

"After the release of “A Plague Tale: Requiem”, the team's ambition is to continue plowing the 3rd Person Adventure furrow, but as with each new production, the objective is to elevate the franchise and to do that we need to strengthen ourselves . our animation division."

This is practically confirming a sequel, right? If you want, I'll make a post with a link to the vacancies. There is also another description of the other vacancy, but I won't put it here so as not to make it too long, but in short, it also talks about innocence and Requiem.

What do you think about this?