So in Amber's newest video she makes the claim that rice "molds immediately" after you cook it, so you should never eat it as leftovers. Uh… what? I feed my family leftover rice all the time, and I've never once poisoned them, so I had to look into this. Turns out, this is obviously complete nonsense—but there is a tiny kernel of truth buried in the bad take. Whatever dumb ass TikTok video Amber got her information from is total boolshit! What a discovery!

Rice does not mold instantly. Mold takes days to develop, not hours. What she might have fleetingly see while doom scrolling is info on Bacillus cereus, a bacteria that can grow on rice left at room temperature for too long. But that’s a completely different issue, and it’s not unique to rice—lots of foods can grow bacteria if they sit out too long. Amber is "creeped out" by leftovers because she doesn't ever leave any, is my opinion.

What’s funny is that reheated rice and pasta are actually better for you in some ways. When starches like rice cool down, some of them turn into resistant starch, which lowers the glycemic index and helps with blood sugar control. It also feeds good gut bacteria and makes the rice more filling. So not only is leftover rice totally safe when stored properly, but it also comes with extra health benefits.

Where the hell did she see this and why didn't she ask her ChatBPD before spouting out such easily debunked killer mold stories?

I mean, lazy, that's why. Amber is also so aggressively stupid.